
  • child custody

Child Custody Matters: Putting Your Child’s Best Interests First


Divorce can be a challenging and emotional process, especially when children are involved. The dissolution of their parents' marriage can create feelings of confusion, fear, anger, and sadness. The impact of divorce on children can vary depending on their age, temperament, and the level of conflict between parents.

Child Custody Matters: Putting Your Child’s Best Interests First2023-07-31T15:53:18-05:00
  • Family Disputes

Benefits of Working with a Family Lawyer


Dealing with a difficult family situation can be emotionally draining and overwhelming. Whether you are going through a divorce, child custody dispute, or facing other family-related issues, seeking professional help is crucial.

Benefits of Working with a Family Lawyer2023-06-29T09:03:13-05:00
  • Fathers and Kids

An Uphill Battle: Navigating Father’s Rights in Louisiana


When it comes to understanding and asserting your unmarried fathers’ rights, knowing your rights as a father empowers you to navigate the legal system and advocate for your role in your child's life, from establishing legal paternity to seeking custody and visitation.

An Uphill Battle: Navigating Father’s Rights in Louisiana2023-05-31T12:13:03-05:00
  • Grandparents

Is there a Such thing as Grandparent Rights?


Grandparents are often a vital part of a child's life. They provide emotional support, offer wisdom, and in some cases, even become primary caregivers. However, what happens when grandparents' relationships with their grandchildren are disrupted?

Is there a Such thing as Grandparent Rights?2023-04-27T14:57:44-05:00
  • Family Hands

Growing your Family through Open Adoption


With Louisiana’s open adoption laws, it has become more common than ever for open or semi-open adoptions to take place, allowing for birth parents and adoptive families together to determine the type of relationship and level of communication they wish to maintain.

Growing your Family through Open Adoption2023-03-27T11:58:36-05:00
  • michael rosenblatt family lawyer

Your Support in Difficult Times


Life changing circumstances such as divorce, adoption, custody disputes and more should not be approached alone. When faced with these difficult circumstances, Michael Rosenblatt, Attorney at Law provides clients with trusted representation for a wide range of case types.

Your Support in Difficult Times2023-01-20T14:24:28-06:00