Today’s adoption process looks vastly different that years prior. Families can choose to remain in contact through open adoption in Louisiana, or families can choose to be contacted once the child reaches a certain age. With Louisiana’s open adoption laws, it has become more common than ever for open or semi-open adoptions to take place, allowing for birth parents and adoptive families together to determine the type of relationship and level of communication they wish to maintain.


Open Adoption – An open adoption allows direct contact between the birth parents and the adoptive family, whether it’s through regular in-person visits, or letters, phone calls and emails.

Semi-Open Adoption– In this scenario, the adoption agency facilitates contact between the birth parents and adoptive parents. This allows each party to establish boundaries for communication while still maintaining regular contact.

Closed Adoption– Some people may choose to have no contact between the birth parents and adoptive families after the child has been placed in the home. Parental information remains confidential, although the birth parents can share medical history.


For birth parents, open adoption can provide a sense of peace and closure, as they can see their child grow and thrive in a loving home. It also allows birth parents to maintain a relationship with their child, and play a role in their life if they choose to do so. Choosing adoption is a lifelong decision and through an open adoption, the child can come to understand that the birth parents truly acted in their best interests. Although the birth parents may not be in a position to raise the child, open adoptions allow them to watch their children grow up in the loving home that they have chosen for them.

Adoptive families can benefit from the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for their child’s background and history, as well as potentially forge a lifelong bond with the birth family. Removing the guessing game of medical care, open adoptions also grant the adoptive parents access to the family’s medical history, which can become instrumental in diagnosing illness as the child grows.

Most importantly, the child at the center of the adoption can grow up with a sense of identity, knowing where they come from and having access to the people who share their genetic and cultural heritage. 

Overall, open adoption has proven to be a positive and enriching experience for many families, and has transformed the traditional view of adoption from a secretive and closed process to one that is transparent and inclusive. With a relationship that evolves over time, both parties can choose the communication method that makes the most sense for them, whether phone calls, in person meetings, or emails. 


While open adoption can offer many benefits, it is not the right choice for everyone. Some birth parents may not want to maintain a relationship with their child or the adoptive family for personal reasons, such as privacy concerns or a desire to move on from their past. Similarly, some adoptive families may prefer a closed adoption to ensure that they can establish their own family dynamic without interference or influence from the birth family. Additionally, some children may feel overwhelmed or confused by having multiple sets of parents, and may prefer a more traditional adoption arrangement for their own emotional well-being.

Life changing circumstances such as divorce, adoption, custody disputes and more should not be approached alone. When faced with these difficult circumstances, Michael Rosenblatt, Attorney at Law provides clients with trusted representation for a wide range of case types.